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Where do I find what in the vehicle? - Beach Hostel Deluxe (T6.1 Califorinia Beach)

Here you will find a short description of the standard equipment of the vehicle and where to find it:

  • First aid kit and warning triangle
    You can find both either in the passenger door or the drawer under the back seat.
  • Canister and nozzle
    In the drawer under the seat, you will find a water container with a nozzle to fill the fresh water tank (not the diesel tank!).
  • Vehicle documents and logbook
    You will find the registration certificate, green insurance card and the log book in the glove compartment. The log book contains important and helpful information about your vehicle.
  • Camping chairs and table
    The chairs and the table are in the trunk under the support surface.
  • High visibility vests
    Four high visibility vests are stored in the rear seat pocket or the drawer under the seat.
  • Blackout Blinds
    You can darken every window of the van with roller blinds or pull tabs. The front side windows and the windshield are darkened with a large cloth.

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